Arch Linux Package Manager Library
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  *  deps.c
00003  *
00004  *  Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Pacman Development Team <>
00005  *  Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by Judd Vinet <>
00006  *  Copyright (c) 2005 by Aurelien Foret <>
00007  *  Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 by Miklos Vajna <>
00008  *
00009  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00010  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00011  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00012  *  (at your option) any later version.
00013  *
00014  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00015  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00017  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
00018  *
00019  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00020  *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
00021  */
00023 #include <stdlib.h>
00024 #include <stdio.h>
00025 #include <string.h>
00027 /* libalpm */
00028 #include "deps.h"
00029 #include "alpm_list.h"
00030 #include "util.h"
00031 #include "log.h"
00032 #include "graph.h"
00033 #include "package.h"
00034 #include "db.h"
00035 #include "handle.h"
00036 #include "trans.h"
00038 void _alpm_dep_free(alpm_depend_t *dep)
00039 {
00040     FREE(dep->name);
00041     FREE(dep->version);
00042     FREE(dep);
00043 }
00045 static alpm_depmissing_t *depmiss_new(const char *target, alpm_depend_t *dep,
00046         const char *causingpkg)
00047 {
00048     alpm_depmissing_t *miss;
00050     MALLOC(miss, sizeof(alpm_depmissing_t), return NULL);
00052     STRDUP(miss->target, target, return NULL);
00053     miss->depend = _alpm_dep_dup(dep);
00054     STRDUP(miss->causingpkg, causingpkg, return NULL);
00056     return miss;
00057 }
00059 void _alpm_depmiss_free(alpm_depmissing_t *miss)
00060 {
00061     _alpm_dep_free(miss->depend);
00062     FREE(miss->target);
00063     FREE(miss->causingpkg);
00064     FREE(miss);
00065 }
00067 /* Does pkg1 depend on pkg2, ie. does pkg2 satisfy a dependency of pkg1? */
00068 static int _alpm_dep_edge(alpm_pkg_t *pkg1, alpm_pkg_t *pkg2)
00069 {
00070     alpm_list_t *i;
00071     for(i = alpm_pkg_get_depends(pkg1); i; i = i->next) {
00072         if(_alpm_depcmp(pkg2, i->data)) {
00073             return 1;
00074         }
00075     }
00076     return 0;
00077 }
00079 /* Convert a list of alpm_pkg_t * to a graph structure,
00080  * with a edge for each dependency.
00081  * Returns a list of vertices (one vertex = one package)
00082  * (used by alpm_sortbydeps)
00083  */
00084 static alpm_list_t *dep_graph_init(alpm_list_t *targets)
00085 {
00086     alpm_list_t *i, *j;
00087     alpm_list_t *vertices = NULL;
00088     /* We create the vertices */
00089     for(i = targets; i; i = i->next) {
00090         alpm_graph_t *vertex = _alpm_graph_new();
00091         vertex->data = (void *)i->data;
00092         vertices = alpm_list_add(vertices, vertex);
00093     }
00095     /* We compute the edges */
00096     for(i = vertices; i; i = i->next) {
00097         alpm_graph_t *vertex_i = i->data;
00098         alpm_pkg_t *p_i = vertex_i->data;
00099         /* TODO this should be somehow combined with alpm_checkdeps */
00100         for(j = vertices; j; j = j->next) {
00101             alpm_graph_t *vertex_j = j->data;
00102             alpm_pkg_t *p_j = vertex_j->data;
00103             if(_alpm_dep_edge(p_i, p_j)) {
00104                 vertex_i->children =
00105                     alpm_list_add(vertex_i->children, vertex_j);
00106             }
00107         }
00108         vertex_i->childptr = vertex_i->children;
00109     }
00110     return vertices;
00111 }
00113 /* Re-order a list of target packages with respect to their dependencies.
00114  *
00115  * Example (reverse == 0):
00116  *   A depends on C
00117  *   B depends on A
00118  *   Target order is A,B,C,D
00119  *
00120  *   Should be re-ordered to C,A,B,D
00121  *
00122  * if reverse is > 0, the dependency order will be reversed.
00123  *
00124  * This function returns the new alpm_list_t* target list.
00125  *
00126  */
00127 alpm_list_t *_alpm_sortbydeps(alpm_handle_t *handle,
00128         alpm_list_t *targets, int reverse)
00129 {
00130     alpm_list_t *newtargs = NULL;
00131     alpm_list_t *vertices = NULL;
00132     alpm_list_t *vptr;
00133     alpm_graph_t *vertex;
00135     if(targets == NULL) {
00136         return NULL;
00137     }
00139     _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "started sorting dependencies\n");
00141     vertices = dep_graph_init(targets);
00143     vptr = vertices;
00144     vertex = vertices->data;
00145     while(vptr) {
00146         /* mark that we touched the vertex */
00147         vertex->state = -1;
00148         int found = 0;
00149         while(vertex->childptr && !found) {
00150             alpm_graph_t *nextchild = vertex->childptr->data;
00151             vertex->childptr = vertex->childptr->next;
00152             if(nextchild->state == 0) {
00153                 found = 1;
00154                 nextchild->parent = vertex;
00155                 vertex = nextchild;
00156             }
00157             else if(nextchild->state == -1) {
00158                 alpm_pkg_t *vertexpkg = vertex->data;
00159                 alpm_pkg_t *childpkg = nextchild->data;
00160                 const char *message;
00162                 _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_WARNING, _("dependency cycle detected:\n"));
00163                 if(reverse) {
00164                     message =_("%s will be removed after its %s dependency\n");
00165                 } else {
00166                     message =_("%s will be installed before its %s dependency\n");
00167                 }
00168                 _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_WARNING, message, vertexpkg->name, childpkg->name);
00169             }
00170         }
00171         if(!found) {
00172             newtargs = alpm_list_add(newtargs, vertex->data);
00173             /* mark that we've left this vertex */
00174             vertex->state = 1;
00175             vertex = vertex->parent;
00176             if(!vertex) {
00177                 vptr = vptr->next;
00178                 while(vptr) {
00179                     vertex = vptr->data;
00180                     if(vertex->state == 0) break;
00181                     vptr = vptr->next;
00182                 }
00183             }
00184         }
00185     }
00187     _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "sorting dependencies finished\n");
00189     if(reverse) {
00190         /* reverse the order */
00191         alpm_list_t *tmptargs = alpm_list_reverse(newtargs);
00192         /* free the old one */
00193         alpm_list_free(newtargs);
00194         newtargs = tmptargs;
00195     }
00197     alpm_list_free_inner(vertices, _alpm_graph_free);
00198     alpm_list_free(vertices);
00200     return newtargs;
00201 }
00203 static int no_dep_version(alpm_handle_t *handle)
00204 {
00205     int flags = alpm_trans_get_flags(handle);
00206     return flags != -1 && (flags & ALPM_TRANS_FLAG_NODEPVERSION);
00207 }
00209 static alpm_depend_t *filtered_depend(alpm_depend_t *dep, int nodepversion)
00210 {
00211     if(nodepversion) {
00212         alpm_depend_t *newdep = _alpm_dep_dup(dep);
00213         ASSERT(newdep, return dep);
00214         newdep->mod = ALPM_DEP_MOD_ANY;
00215         dep = newdep;
00216     }
00217     return dep;
00218 }
00220 static void release_filtered_depend(alpm_depend_t *dep, int nodepversion)
00221 {
00222     if(nodepversion) {
00223         free(dep);
00224     }
00225 }
00227 static alpm_pkg_t *find_dep_satisfier(alpm_list_t *pkgs, alpm_depend_t *dep)
00228 {
00229     alpm_list_t *i;
00231     for(i = pkgs; i; i = i->next) {
00232         alpm_pkg_t *pkg = i->data;
00233         if(_alpm_depcmp(pkg, dep)) {
00234             return pkg;
00235         }
00236     }
00237     return NULL;
00238 }
00240 /** Find a package satisfying a specified dependency.
00241  * The dependency can include versions with depmod operators.
00242  * @param pkgs an alpm_list_t* of alpm_pkg_t where the satisfier will be searched
00243  * @param depstring package or provision name, versioned or not
00244  * @return a alpm_pkg_t* satisfying depstring
00245  */
00246 alpm_pkg_t SYMEXPORT *alpm_find_satisfier(alpm_list_t *pkgs, const char *depstring)
00247 {
00248     alpm_depend_t *dep = _alpm_splitdep(depstring);
00249     if(!dep) {
00250         return NULL;
00251     }
00252     alpm_pkg_t *pkg = find_dep_satisfier(pkgs, dep);
00253     _alpm_dep_free(dep);
00254     return pkg;
00255 }
00257 /** Checks dependencies and returns missing ones in a list.
00258  * Dependencies can include versions with depmod operators.
00259  * @param handle the context handle
00260  * @param pkglist the list of local packages
00261  * @param remove an alpm_list_t* of packages to be removed
00262  * @param upgrade an alpm_list_t* of packages to be upgraded (remove-then-upgrade)
00263  * @param reversedeps handles the backward dependencies
00264  * @return an alpm_list_t* of alpm_depmissing_t pointers.
00265  */
00266 alpm_list_t SYMEXPORT *alpm_checkdeps(alpm_handle_t *handle,
00267         alpm_list_t *pkglist, alpm_list_t *remove, alpm_list_t *upgrade,
00268         int reversedeps)
00269 {
00270     alpm_list_t *i, *j;
00271     alpm_list_t *dblist = NULL, *modified = NULL;
00272     alpm_list_t *baddeps = NULL;
00273     int nodepversion;
00275     CHECK_HANDLE(handle, return NULL);
00277     for(i = pkglist; i; i = i->next) {
00278         alpm_pkg_t *pkg = i->data;
00279         if(_alpm_pkg_find(remove, pkg->name) || _alpm_pkg_find(upgrade, pkg->name)) {
00280             modified = alpm_list_add(modified, pkg);
00281         } else {
00282             dblist = alpm_list_add(dblist, pkg);
00283         }
00284     }
00286     nodepversion = no_dep_version(handle);
00288     /* look for unsatisfied dependencies of the upgrade list */
00289     for(i = upgrade; i; i = i->next) {
00290         alpm_pkg_t *tp = i->data;
00291         _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "checkdeps: package %s-%s\n",
00292                 tp->name, tp->version);
00294         for(j = alpm_pkg_get_depends(tp); j; j = j->next) {
00295             alpm_depend_t *depend = j->data;
00296             depend = filtered_depend(depend, nodepversion);
00297             /* 1. we check the upgrade list */
00298             /* 2. we check database for untouched satisfying packages */
00299             if(!find_dep_satisfier(upgrade, depend) &&
00300                     !find_dep_satisfier(dblist, depend)) {
00301                 /* Unsatisfied dependency in the upgrade list */
00302                 alpm_depmissing_t *miss;
00303                 char *missdepstring = alpm_dep_compute_string(depend);
00304                 _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "checkdeps: missing dependency '%s' for package '%s'\n",
00305                         missdepstring, tp->name);
00306                 free(missdepstring);
00307                 miss = depmiss_new(tp->name, depend, NULL);
00308                 baddeps = alpm_list_add(baddeps, miss);
00309             }
00310             release_filtered_depend(depend, nodepversion);
00311         }
00312     }
00314     if(reversedeps) {
00315         /* reversedeps handles the backwards dependencies, ie,
00316          * the packages listed in the requiredby field. */
00317         for(i = dblist; i; i = i->next) {
00318             alpm_pkg_t *lp = i->data;
00319             for(j = alpm_pkg_get_depends(lp); j; j = j->next) {
00320                 alpm_depend_t *depend = j->data;
00321                 depend = filtered_depend(depend, nodepversion);
00322                 alpm_pkg_t *causingpkg = find_dep_satisfier(modified, depend);
00323                 /* we won't break this depend, if it is already broken, we ignore it */
00324                 /* 1. check upgrade list for satisfiers */
00325                 /* 2. check dblist for satisfiers */
00326                 if(causingpkg &&
00327                    !find_dep_satisfier(upgrade, depend) &&
00328                    !find_dep_satisfier(dblist, depend)) {
00329                     alpm_depmissing_t *miss;
00330                     char *missdepstring = alpm_dep_compute_string(depend);
00331                     _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "checkdeps: transaction would break '%s' dependency of '%s'\n",
00332                             missdepstring, lp->name);
00333                     free(missdepstring);
00334                     miss = depmiss_new(lp->name, depend, causingpkg->name);
00335                     baddeps = alpm_list_add(baddeps, miss);
00336                 }
00337                 release_filtered_depend(depend, nodepversion);
00338             }
00339         }
00340     }
00342     alpm_list_free(modified);
00343     alpm_list_free(dblist);
00345     return baddeps;
00346 }
00348 static int dep_vercmp(const char *version1, alpm_depmod_t mod,
00349         const char *version2)
00350 {
00351     int equal = 0;
00353     if(mod == ALPM_DEP_MOD_ANY) {
00354         equal = 1;
00355     } else {
00356         int cmp = alpm_pkg_vercmp(version1, version2);
00357         switch(mod) {
00358             case ALPM_DEP_MOD_EQ: equal = (cmp == 0); break;
00359             case ALPM_DEP_MOD_GE: equal = (cmp >= 0); break;
00360             case ALPM_DEP_MOD_LE: equal = (cmp <= 0); break;
00361             case ALPM_DEP_MOD_LT: equal = (cmp < 0); break;
00362             case ALPM_DEP_MOD_GT: equal = (cmp > 0); break;
00363             default: equal = 1; break;
00364         }
00365     }
00366     return equal;
00367 }
00369 int _alpm_depcmp_literal(alpm_pkg_t *pkg, alpm_depend_t *dep)
00370 {
00371     if(pkg->name_hash != dep->name_hash
00372             || strcmp(pkg->name, dep->name) != 0) {
00373         /* skip more expensive checks */
00374         return 0;
00375     }
00376     return dep_vercmp(pkg->version, dep->mod, dep->version);
00377 }
00379 int _alpm_depcmp(alpm_pkg_t *pkg, alpm_depend_t *dep)
00380 {
00381     alpm_list_t *i;
00382     int satisfy = _alpm_depcmp_literal(pkg, dep);
00384     if(satisfy) {
00385         return satisfy;
00386     }
00388     /* check provisions, name and version if available */
00389     for(i = alpm_pkg_get_provides(pkg); i && !satisfy; i = i->next) {
00390         alpm_depend_t *provision = i->data;
00392         if(dep->mod == ALPM_DEP_MOD_ANY) {
00393             /* any version will satisfy the requirement */
00394             satisfy = (provision->name_hash == dep->name_hash
00395                     && strcmp(provision->name, dep->name) == 0);
00396         } else if(provision->mod == ALPM_DEP_MOD_EQ) {
00397             /* provision specifies a version, so try it out */
00398             satisfy = (provision->name_hash == dep->name_hash
00399                     && strcmp(provision->name, dep->name) == 0
00400                     && dep_vercmp(provision->version, dep->mod, dep->version));
00401         }
00402     }
00404     return satisfy;
00405 }
00407 alpm_depend_t *_alpm_splitdep(const char *depstring)
00408 {
00409     alpm_depend_t *depend;
00410     const char *ptr, *version;
00411     size_t deplen;
00413     if(depstring == NULL) {
00414         return NULL;
00415     }
00417     MALLOC(depend, sizeof(alpm_depend_t), return NULL);
00418     deplen = strlen(depstring);
00420     /* Find a version comparator if one exists. If it does, set the type and
00421      * increment the ptr accordingly so we can copy the right strings. */
00422     if((ptr = memchr(depstring, '<', deplen))) {
00423         if(ptr[1] == '=') {
00424             depend->mod = ALPM_DEP_MOD_LE;
00425             version = ptr + 2;
00426         } else {
00427             depend->mod = ALPM_DEP_MOD_LT;
00428             version = ptr + 1;
00429         }
00430     } else if((ptr = memchr(depstring, '>', deplen))) {
00431         if(ptr[1] == '=') {
00432             depend->mod = ALPM_DEP_MOD_GE;
00433             version = ptr + 2;
00434         } else {
00435             depend->mod = ALPM_DEP_MOD_GT;
00436             version = ptr + 1;
00437         }
00438     } else if((ptr = memchr(depstring, '=', deplen))) {
00439         /* Note: we must do =,<,> checks after <=, >= checks */
00440         depend->mod = ALPM_DEP_MOD_EQ;
00441         version = ptr + 1;
00442     } else {
00443         /* no version specified, leave ptr NULL and set version to NULL */
00444         depend->mod = ALPM_DEP_MOD_ANY;
00445         depend->version = NULL;
00446         version = NULL;
00447     }
00449     /* copy the right parts to the right places */
00450     if(ptr) {
00451         STRNDUP(depend->name, depstring, ptr - depstring, return NULL);
00452     } else {
00453         STRDUP(depend->name, depstring, return NULL);
00454     }
00455     depend->name_hash = _alpm_hash_sdbm(depend->name);
00456     if(version) {
00457         STRDUP(depend->version, version, return NULL);
00458     }
00460     return depend;
00461 }
00463 alpm_depend_t *_alpm_dep_dup(const alpm_depend_t *dep)
00464 {
00465     alpm_depend_t *newdep;
00466     CALLOC(newdep, 1, sizeof(alpm_depend_t), return NULL);
00468     STRDUP(newdep->name, dep->name, return NULL);
00469     newdep->name_hash = dep->name_hash;
00470     STRDUP(newdep->version, dep->version, return NULL);
00471     newdep->mod = dep->mod;
00473     return newdep;
00474 }
00476 /* These parameters are messy. We check if this package, given a list of
00477  * targets and a db is safe to remove. We do NOT remove it if it is in the
00478  * target list, or if if the package was explictly installed and
00479  * include_explicit == 0 */
00480 static int can_remove_package(alpm_db_t *db, alpm_pkg_t *pkg,
00481         alpm_list_t *targets, int include_explicit)
00482 {
00483     alpm_list_t *i;
00485     if(_alpm_pkg_find(targets, pkg->name)) {
00486         return 0;
00487     }
00489     if(!include_explicit) {
00490         /* see if it was explicitly installed */
00491         if(alpm_pkg_get_reason(pkg) == ALPM_PKG_REASON_EXPLICIT) {
00492             _alpm_log(db->handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG,
00493                     "excluding %s -- explicitly installed\n", pkg->name);
00494             return 0;
00495         }
00496     }
00498     /* TODO: checkdeps could be used here, it handles multiple providers
00499      * better, but that also makes it slower.
00500      * Also this would require to first add the package to the targets list,
00501      * then call checkdeps with it, then remove the package from the targets list
00502      * if checkdeps detected it would break something */
00504     /* see if other packages need it */
00505     for(i = _alpm_db_get_pkgcache(db); i; i = i->next) {
00506         alpm_pkg_t *lpkg = i->data;
00507         if(_alpm_dep_edge(lpkg, pkg) && !_alpm_pkg_find(targets, lpkg->name)) {
00508             return 0;
00509         }
00510     }
00512     /* it's ok to remove */
00513     return 1;
00514 }
00516 /**
00517  * @brief Adds unneeded dependencies to an existing list of packages.
00518  * By unneeded, we mean dependencies that are only required by packages in the
00519  * target list, so they can be safely removed.
00520  * If the input list was topo sorted, the output list will be topo sorted too.
00521  *
00522  * @param db package database to do dependency tracing in
00523  * @param *targs pointer to a list of packages
00524  * @param include_explicit if 0, explicitly installed packages are not included
00525  * @return 0 on success, -1 on errors
00526  */
00527 int _alpm_recursedeps(alpm_db_t *db, alpm_list_t *targs, int include_explicit)
00528 {
00529     alpm_list_t *i, *j;
00531     if(db == NULL || targs == NULL) {
00532         return -1;
00533     }
00535     for(i = targs; i; i = i->next) {
00536         alpm_pkg_t *pkg = i->data;
00537         for(j = _alpm_db_get_pkgcache(db); j; j = j->next) {
00538             alpm_pkg_t *deppkg = j->data;
00539             if(_alpm_dep_edge(pkg, deppkg)
00540                     && can_remove_package(db, deppkg, targs, include_explicit)) {
00541                 alpm_pkg_t *copy;
00542                 _alpm_log(db->handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "adding '%s' to the targets\n",
00543                         deppkg->name);
00544                 /* add it to the target list */
00545                 if(_alpm_pkg_dup(deppkg, &copy)) {
00546                     return -1;
00547                 }
00548                 targs = alpm_list_add(targs, copy);
00549             }
00550         }
00551     }
00552     return 0;
00553 }
00555 /**
00556  * helper function for resolvedeps: search for dep satisfier in dbs
00557  *
00558  * @param handle the context handle
00559  * @param dep is the dependency to search for
00560  * @param dbs are the databases to search
00561  * @param excluding are the packages to exclude from the search
00562  * @param prompt if true, will cause an unresolvable dependency to issue an
00563  *        interactive prompt asking whether the package should be removed from
00564  *        the transaction or the transaction aborted; if false, simply returns
00565  *        an error code without prompting
00566  * @return the resolved package
00567  **/
00568 static alpm_pkg_t *resolvedep(alpm_handle_t *handle, alpm_depend_t *dep,
00569         alpm_list_t *dbs, alpm_list_t *excluding, int prompt)
00570 {
00571     alpm_list_t *i, *j;
00572     int ignored = 0;
00574     alpm_list_t *providers = NULL;
00575     int count;
00577     /* 1. literals */
00578     for(i = dbs; i; i = i->next) {
00579         alpm_pkg_t *pkg = _alpm_db_get_pkgfromcache(i->data, dep->name);
00580         if(pkg && _alpm_depcmp_literal(pkg, dep)
00581                 && !_alpm_pkg_find(excluding, pkg->name)) {
00582             if(_alpm_pkg_should_ignore(handle, pkg)) {
00583                 int install = 0;
00584                 if(prompt) {
00585                     QUESTION(handle, ALPM_QUESTION_INSTALL_IGNOREPKG, pkg,
00586                              NULL, NULL, &install);
00587                 } else {
00588                     _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_WARNING, _("ignoring package %s-%s\n"),
00589                             pkg->name, pkg->version);
00590                 }
00591                 if(!install) {
00592                     ignored = 1;
00593                     continue;
00594                 }
00595             }
00596             return pkg;
00597         }
00598     }
00599     /* 2. satisfiers (skip literals here) */
00600     for(i = dbs; i; i = i->next) {
00601         for(j = _alpm_db_get_pkgcache(i->data); j; j = j->next) {
00602             alpm_pkg_t *pkg = j->data;
00603             /* with hash != hash, we can even skip the strcmp() as we know they can't
00604              * possibly be the same string */
00605             if(pkg->name_hash != dep->name_hash && _alpm_depcmp(pkg, dep)
00606                     && !_alpm_pkg_find(excluding, pkg->name)) {
00607                 if(_alpm_pkg_should_ignore(handle, pkg)) {
00608                     int install = 0;
00609                     if(prompt) {
00610                         QUESTION(handle, ALPM_QUESTION_INSTALL_IGNOREPKG,
00611                                     pkg, NULL, NULL, &install);
00612                     } else {
00613                         _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_WARNING, _("ignoring package %s-%s\n"),
00614                                 pkg->name, pkg->version);
00615                     }
00616                     if(!install) {
00617                         ignored = 1;
00618                         continue;
00619                     }
00620                 }
00621                 _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "provider found (%s provides %s)\n",
00622                         pkg->name, dep->name);
00623                 providers = alpm_list_add(providers, pkg);
00624                 /* keep looking for other providers in the all dbs */
00625             }
00626         }
00627     }
00629     /* first check if one provider is already installed locally */
00630     for(i = providers; i; i = i->next) {
00631         alpm_pkg_t *pkg = i->data;
00632         if(_alpm_db_get_pkgfromcache(handle->db_local, pkg->name)) {
00633             alpm_list_free(providers);
00634             return pkg;
00635         }
00636     }
00637     count = alpm_list_count(providers);
00638     if(count >= 1) {
00639         /* default to first provider if there is no QUESTION callback */
00640         int index = 0;
00641         if(count > 1) {
00642             /* if there is more than one provider, we ask the user */
00644                     providers, dep, NULL, &index);
00645         }
00646         if(index >= 0 && index < count) {
00647             alpm_list_t *nth = alpm_list_nth(providers, index);
00648             alpm_pkg_t *pkg = nth->data;
00649             alpm_list_free(providers);
00650             return pkg;
00651         }
00652         alpm_list_free(providers);
00653         providers = NULL;
00654     }
00656     if(ignored) { /* resolvedeps will override these */
00657         handle->pm_errno = ALPM_ERR_PKG_IGNORED;
00658     } else {
00659         handle->pm_errno = ALPM_ERR_PKG_NOT_FOUND;
00660     }
00661     return NULL;
00662 }
00664 /** Find a package satisfying a specified dependency.
00665  * First look for a literal, going through each db one by one. Then look for
00666  * providers. The first satisfier found is returned.
00667  * The dependency can include versions with depmod operators.
00668  * @param handle the context handle
00669  * @param dbs an alpm_list_t* of alpm_db_t where the satisfier will be searched
00670  * @param depstring package or provision name, versioned or not
00671  * @return a alpm_pkg_t* satisfying depstring
00672  */
00673 alpm_pkg_t SYMEXPORT *alpm_find_dbs_satisfier(alpm_handle_t *handle,
00674         alpm_list_t *dbs, const char *depstring)
00675 {
00676     alpm_depend_t *dep;
00677     alpm_pkg_t *pkg;
00679     CHECK_HANDLE(handle, return NULL);
00680     ASSERT(dbs, RET_ERR(handle, ALPM_ERR_WRONG_ARGS, NULL));
00682     dep = _alpm_splitdep(depstring);
00683     ASSERT(dep, return NULL);
00684     pkg = resolvedep(handle, dep, dbs, NULL, 1);
00685     _alpm_dep_free(dep);
00686     return pkg;
00687 }
00689 /**
00690  * Computes resolvable dependencies for a given package and adds that package
00691  * and those resolvable dependencies to a list.
00692  *
00693  * @param handle the context handle
00694  * @param localpkgs is the list of local packages
00695  * @param pkg is the package to resolve
00696  * @param preferred packages to prefer when resolving
00697  * @param packages is a pointer to a list of packages which will be
00698  *        searched first for any dependency packages needed to complete the
00699  *        resolve, and to which will be added any [pkg] and all of its
00700  *        dependencies not already on the list
00701  * @param remove is the set of packages which will be removed in this
00702  *        transaction
00703  * @param data returns the dependency which could not be satisfied in the
00704  *        event of an error
00705  * @return 0 on success, with [pkg] and all of its dependencies not already on
00706  *         the [*packages] list added to that list, or -1 on failure due to an
00707  *         unresolvable dependency, in which case the [*packages] list will be
00708  *         unmodified by this function
00709  */
00710 int _alpm_resolvedeps(alpm_handle_t *handle, alpm_list_t *localpkgs,
00711         alpm_pkg_t *pkg, alpm_list_t *preferred, alpm_list_t **packages,
00712         alpm_list_t *remove, alpm_list_t **data)
00713 {
00714     int ret = 0;
00715     alpm_list_t *i, *j;
00716     alpm_list_t *targ;
00717     alpm_list_t *deps = NULL;
00718     alpm_list_t *packages_copy;
00720     if(_alpm_pkg_find(*packages, pkg->name) != NULL) {
00721         return 0;
00722     }
00724     if(handle->trans->flags & ALPM_TRANS_FLAG_RECURSE) {
00725         /* removing local packages from the equation causes the entire dep chain to
00726          * get pulled for each target- e.g., pactree -u output */
00727         localpkgs = NULL;
00728     }
00730     /* Create a copy of the packages list, so that it can be restored
00731        on error */
00732     packages_copy = alpm_list_copy(*packages);
00733     /* [pkg] has not already been resolved into the packages list, so put it
00734        on that list */
00735     *packages = alpm_list_add(*packages, pkg);
00737     _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "started resolving dependencies\n");
00738     for(i = alpm_list_last(*packages); i; i = i->next) {
00739         alpm_pkg_t *tpkg = i->data;
00740         targ = alpm_list_add(NULL, tpkg);
00741         deps = alpm_checkdeps(handle, localpkgs, remove, targ, 0);
00742         alpm_list_free(targ);
00744         for(j = deps; j; j = j->next) {
00745             alpm_depmissing_t *miss = j->data;
00746             alpm_depend_t *missdep = miss->depend;
00747             /* check if one of the packages in the [*packages] list already satisfies
00748              * this dependency */
00749             if(find_dep_satisfier(*packages, missdep)) {
00750                 _alpm_depmiss_free(miss);
00751                 continue;
00752             }
00753             /* check if one of the packages in the [preferred] list already satisfies
00754              * this dependency */
00755             alpm_pkg_t *spkg = find_dep_satisfier(preferred, missdep);
00756             if(!spkg) {
00757                 /* find a satisfier package in the given repositories */
00758                 spkg = resolvedep(handle, missdep, handle->dbs_sync, *packages, 0);
00759             }
00760             if(!spkg) {
00761                 handle->pm_errno = ALPM_ERR_UNSATISFIED_DEPS;
00762                 char *missdepstring = alpm_dep_compute_string(missdep);
00763                 _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_WARNING,
00764                         _("cannot resolve \"%s\", a dependency of \"%s\"\n"),
00765                         missdepstring, tpkg->name);
00766                 free(missdepstring);
00767                 if(data) {
00768                     *data = alpm_list_add(*data, miss);
00769                 }
00770                 ret = -1;
00771             } else {
00772                 _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG,
00773                         "pulling dependency %s (needed by %s)\n",
00774                         spkg->name, tpkg->name);
00775                 *packages = alpm_list_add(*packages, spkg);
00776                 _alpm_depmiss_free(miss);
00777             }
00778         }
00779         alpm_list_free(deps);
00780     }
00782     if(handle->trans->flags & ALPM_TRANS_FLAG_NEEDED) {
00783         /* remove any deps that were pulled that match installed version */
00784         /* odd loop syntax so we can modify the list as we iterate */
00785         i = *packages;
00786         while(i) {
00787             alpm_pkg_t *tpkg = i->data;
00788             alpm_pkg_t *local = _alpm_db_get_pkgfromcache(
00789                     handle->db_local, tpkg->name);
00790             if(local && _alpm_pkg_compare_versions(tpkg, local) == 0) {
00791                 /* with the NEEDED flag, packages up to date are not reinstalled */
00792                 _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG,
00793                         "not adding dep %s-%s as it is not needed, same version\n",
00794                         local->name, local->version);
00795                 j = i;
00796                 i = i->next;
00797                 *packages = alpm_list_remove_item(*packages, j);
00798                 free(j);
00799             } else {
00800                 i = i->next;
00801             }
00802         }
00803     }
00805     if(ret != 0) {
00806         alpm_list_free(*packages);
00807         *packages = packages_copy;
00808     } else {
00809         alpm_list_free(packages_copy);
00810     }
00811     _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "finished resolving dependencies\n");
00812     return ret;
00813 }
00815 /** Reverse of splitdep; make a dep string from a alpm_depend_t struct.
00816  * The string must be freed!
00817  * @param dep the depend to turn into a string
00818  * @return a string-formatted dependency with operator if necessary
00819  */
00820 char SYMEXPORT *alpm_dep_compute_string(const alpm_depend_t *dep)
00821 {
00822     const char *name, *opr, *ver;
00823     char *str;
00824     size_t len;
00826     ASSERT(dep != NULL, return NULL);
00828     if(dep->name) {
00829         name = dep->name;
00830     } else {
00831         name = "";
00832     }
00834     switch(dep->mod) {
00835         case ALPM_DEP_MOD_ANY:
00836             opr = "";
00837             break;
00838         case ALPM_DEP_MOD_GE:
00839             opr = ">=";
00840             break;
00841         case ALPM_DEP_MOD_LE:
00842             opr = "<=";
00843             break;
00844         case ALPM_DEP_MOD_EQ:
00845             opr = "=";
00846             break;
00847         case ALPM_DEP_MOD_LT:
00848             opr = "<";
00849             break;
00850         case ALPM_DEP_MOD_GT:
00851             opr = ">";
00852             break;
00853         default:
00854             opr = "";
00855             break;
00856     }
00858     if(dep->mod != ALPM_DEP_MOD_ANY && dep->version) {
00859         ver = dep->version;
00860     } else {
00861         ver = "";
00862     }
00864     /* we can always compute len and print the string like this because opr
00865      * and ver will be empty when ALPM_DEP_MOD_ANY is the depend type. the
00866      * reassignments above also ensure we do not do a strlen(NULL). */
00867     len = strlen(name) + strlen(opr) + strlen(ver) + 1;
00868     MALLOC(str, len, return NULL);
00869     snprintf(str, len, "%s%s%s", name, opr, ver);
00871     return str;
00872 }
00873 /* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet: */