void | alpm_list_free (alpm_list_t *list) |
| Free a list, but not the contained data.
void | alpm_list_free_inner (alpm_list_t *list, alpm_list_fn_free fn) |
| Free the internal data of a list structure but not the list itself.
alpm_list_t * | alpm_list_add (alpm_list_t *list, void *data) |
| Add a new item to the end of the list.
alpm_list_t * | alpm_list_append (alpm_list_t **list, void *data) |
| Add a new item to the end of the list.
alpm_list_t * | alpm_list_append_strdup (alpm_list_t **list, const char *data) |
| Duplicate and append a string to a list.
alpm_list_t * | alpm_list_add_sorted (alpm_list_t *list, void *data, alpm_list_fn_cmp fn) |
| Add items to a list in sorted order.
alpm_list_t * | alpm_list_join (alpm_list_t *first, alpm_list_t *second) |
| Join two lists.
alpm_list_t * | alpm_list_mmerge (alpm_list_t *left, alpm_list_t *right, alpm_list_fn_cmp fn) |
| Merge the two sorted sublists into one sorted list.
alpm_list_t * | alpm_list_msort (alpm_list_t *list, size_t n, alpm_list_fn_cmp fn) |
| Sort a list of size n using mergesort algorithm.
alpm_list_t * | alpm_list_remove_item (alpm_list_t *haystack, alpm_list_t *item) |
| Remove an item from the list.
alpm_list_t * | alpm_list_remove (alpm_list_t *haystack, const void *needle, alpm_list_fn_cmp fn, void **data) |
| Remove an item from the list.
alpm_list_t * | alpm_list_remove_str (alpm_list_t *haystack, const char *needle, char **data) |
| Remove a string from a list.
alpm_list_t * | alpm_list_remove_dupes (const alpm_list_t *list) |
| Create a new list without any duplicates.
alpm_list_t * | alpm_list_strdup (const alpm_list_t *list) |
| Copy a string list, including data.
alpm_list_t * | alpm_list_copy (const alpm_list_t *list) |
| Copy a list, without copying data.
alpm_list_t * | alpm_list_copy_data (const alpm_list_t *list, size_t size) |
| Copy a list and copy the data.
alpm_list_t * | alpm_list_reverse (alpm_list_t *list) |
| Create a new list in reverse order.
alpm_list_t * | alpm_list_nth (const alpm_list_t *list, size_t n) |
| Return nth element from list (starting from 0).
alpm_list_t * | alpm_list_next (const alpm_list_t *list) |
| Get the next element of a list.
alpm_list_t * | alpm_list_previous (const alpm_list_t *list) |
| Get the previous element of a list.
alpm_list_t * | alpm_list_last (const alpm_list_t *list) |
| Get the last item in the list.
size_t | alpm_list_count (const alpm_list_t *list) |
| Get the number of items in a list.
void * | alpm_list_find (const alpm_list_t *haystack, const void *needle, alpm_list_fn_cmp fn) |
| Find an item in a list.
void * | alpm_list_find_ptr (const alpm_list_t *haystack, const void *needle) |
| Find an item in a list.
char * | alpm_list_find_str (const alpm_list_t *haystack, const char *needle) |
| Find a string in a list.
int | alpm_list_cmp_unsorted (const alpm_list_t *left, const alpm_list_t *right, alpm_list_fn_cmp fn) |
| Check if two lists contain the same data, ignoring order.
void | alpm_list_diff_sorted (const alpm_list_t *left, const alpm_list_t *right, alpm_list_fn_cmp fn, alpm_list_t **onlyleft, alpm_list_t **onlyright) |
| Find the differences between list left and list right
alpm_list_t * | alpm_list_diff (const alpm_list_t *lhs, const alpm_list_t *rhs, alpm_list_fn_cmp fn) |
| Find the items in list lhs that are not present in list rhs .
void * | alpm_list_to_array (const alpm_list_t *list, size_t n, size_t size) |
| Copy a list and data into a standard C array of fixed length.