{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}

Arch Related Projects

There are a few Arch-based projects or communities that have sprung up over the years. Here's a list of the ones we know about.

user-contributions.org A website belongs to members wanting to give a little something to the free software community
ArchStats An opt-in system that tracks which packages each user has installed, hardware specs, etc
Archie Live CD A live CD (and live CD build scripts) based on Arch
ArchPPC Arch packages optimized for PPC
Hardware Detection Hardware detection scripts for Arch (deprecated in favor of udev's auto-detection)
AEGIS Arch Environmental/Geographical Information Systems (AEGIS) Project

If you have an Arch related project you would like linked, please open a Bug Ticket with the category "web site", and a relevant description.

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