from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core import validators from archlinux.utils import render_template from archlinux.packages.models import Package from archlinux.todolists.models import Todolist, TodolistPkg from archlinux.settings import DATA_DIR from archlinux.utils import validate from archlinux.common.models import UserProfile @login_required def index(request): try: thismaint = User.objects.get(username=request.user.username) except User.DoesNotExist: # weird, we don't have a maintainer record for this logged-in user thismaint = None # get a list of incomplete package todo lists todos = Todolist.objects.get_incomplete() # get flagged-package stats for all maintainers stats = Package.objects.get_flag_stats() if thismaint: # get list of flagged packages for this maintainer pkgs = Package.objects.filter('repo', 'pkgname') else: pkgs = None return render_template('devel/index.html', request, {'stats':stats, 'pkgs':pkgs, 'todos':todos, 'maint':thismaint}) @login_required #@is_maintainer def change_notify(request): maint = User.objects.get(username=request.user.username) notify = request.POST.get('notify', 'no') try: maint.get_profile().notify = notify == 'yes' except UserProfile.DoesNotExist: UserProfile( ,notify=notify == 'yes').save() maint.get_profile().save() return HttpResponseRedirect('/devel/') @login_required def change_profile(request): errors = {} if request.POST: passwd1, passwd2 = request.POST['passwd'], request.POST['passwd2'] email = request.POST['email'] # validate if passwd1 != passwd2: errors['password'] = [' Passwords do not match. '] validate(errors, 'Email', email, validators.isValidEmail, False, request) # apply changes if not errors: = email if passwd1: request.user.set_password(passwd1) return HttpResponseRedirect('/devel/') return render_template('devel/profile.html', request, {'errors':errors,'email'}) @login_required def guide(request): return HttpResponse(file(DATA_DIR + '/pkgmaint_guide.txt').read(), mimetype='text/plain')