path: root/todolists/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2020-11-11Fix pep8 errorsJustin !1-3/+3
2020-11-08PEP8 todolist models and update our max line lengthJelle van der Waa1-15/+6
2020-11-08Add complete status to the todolist json endpointJelle van der Waa1-0/+4
2019-06-13todolist: send email when the todolist is fully completeJelle van der Waa1-1/+29
2019-01-21Refactor Python 3 __unicode__ to __str__Frank Vanderham1-2/+2
2018-11-17Fix Foreignkey implicit on_delete on django < 2.0Jelle van der Waa1-3/+3
2018-10-02todolists: remove old_id from todolist modelJelle van der Waa1-1/+0
2018-08-11todolists: Remove unused ModelManagerJelle van der Waa1-11/+0
2018-04-08todolists/models: non-relational field given for 'username'Jelle van der Waa1-1/+1
2015-06-05Tweak display of todolist descriptionsDan McGee1-0/+4
2013-05-10Add a 'last touched by' column to todolist detail viewDan McGee1-1/+2
2013-01-12Add last_modified field to todolist packagesDan McGee1-1/+2
2012-12-31Mark todolist packages as removed rather than deleting themDan McGee1-3/+5
2012-12-31Minor coding style tweaksDan McGee1-1/+1
2012-12-31Add 'removed' field to todolist packagesDan McGee1-1/+4
2012-12-28Use todolist slugs for all URLsDan McGee1-1/+1
2012-12-28Populate the todolist slug field and mark non-nullDan McGee1-1/+1
2012-12-28Add todolists slug fieldDan McGee1-0/+1
2012-12-28Todolist URLs map to old_id now, not idDan McGee1-1/+1
2012-12-28Add packages method to new Todolist modelDan McGee1-0/+6
2012-12-28Add new todolists and todolist package modelDan McGee1-0/+81
2012-12-27Add initial todolists models migrationDan McGee1-0/+0
2008-03-08Moved models aroundeliott1-33/+0
2007-12-29Massive retab fest.eliott1-21/+23
2007-12-22renamed importseliott1-1/+1
2007-11-03Initial import for public release...eliott1-0/+31